看到一家書店+ CD店我就完全被吸進去了,宮部美幸的模仿犯還是高居榜首,果然是高手高手高高手。。。一堆日本推理小說讓我真恨不得自己看得懂阿!
I went to this book & records shop. This is the novel I like a lot and it's still on top of best seller. Japanese detective novels are so good so that I wish I could read Japanese.

This is vedio game area...They have various games and it's much more than we have in Taipei. I bought two games for my PSP.

I stayed in the records store for another 30 mins and got out with my empty hands. Then I come to this temple. The people were in the queue for praying.

The green things are Buddhist statues, people pour the water on the statues before starting to pray. That's why the moss is all over.

It's an old street full of restaurant. I can smell the Japanese soysouce while walking in it.

it's the most popular street. It's really colorful and noisy.

It's a store for japanese noodle. I just stopped for its decoration.

The noen lights.

french crepe, in japanese style.

This is the special store for my favorite Gloomy bear. It's a conflicted charactor because it always being violent to its keeper. That's why the bear is with blood....
(to be continued...)