

我跟Isaac Hayes沒有太熟,但是非常喜歡這首歌。據說他的Schaft電影原聲帶是最受歡迎的,但是我就是最喜歡這首歌。完整有七分多鐘長(更正,是十二分鐘),但是不好找,Youtube只有片段,只是太短實在不夠時間憂鬱。就將就聽吧!

〔 2008.08.11 中國時報 〕
美靈魂樂傳奇人物伊薩海斯去世 享年六十五 

這位集歌手、作詞家和作曲家於一身的音樂天才,一九七二年曾以電影「黑豹」原聲主題曲獲得當年奧斯卡金像獎。據希比郡發言人蘇拉爾告訴有線電視新聞網,伊薩海斯被他的家人發現沒有反應。 他說:「希比警方在美國中部時間今天下午一時左右接到伊薩海斯家屬的報案電話。他的家人在今天中午左右到一家雜貨店買東西,回來時不幸發現他人在臥室中,但卻沒有反應。」 


If you see me walking down the street
And I start to cry each time we meet
Walk on by, walk on by
Make believe that you don't see the tears
Oh just let me grieve
In private 'cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
Oh baby, walk on by

I just can't get over losing you
So if I seem broken in two
Please walk on by, walk on by
Foolish pride is all that I have left
So let me hide
The tears and the sadness you gave me
You put the hurt on
You socked it to me, momma
When you said goodbye
So please walk on by
Make believe you never see the tears I cry
So do me a favor and walk on by
So I'm beggin' you to walk on by

Make believe you never see the tears I cry
So I'm beggin' you, I'm beggin' you to walk on by
Make believe you never see the tears I cry
Oh, there's no dirt in my eye
smoking don't you me cry
It's the hurt you put on me, yeah
I don't want you to see this man cry
So please walk on by
Oh mother, mother, walk on by

這是繼James Brown去世之後,會讓小老頭難過的新聞。


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